martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

Theory of the relative movement of Cosmos. (Luis Montoya Birrueta – July 2017).

From the creation of the Universe, I would say, the creation of the physical Universe (material), using Big Bang Theory as its origin, all elements, objects, and particles, began a movement that has not ceased since then; and we have the light as the particles / waves that travel faster (moving) in the Universe, although in my theory I say that they move in an infinite field of energy that I call, Nothing Infinite.

Once the movements begin (galactic and intergalactic journeys), they happen in a scenario in which there are millions and millions of references (parameters), with which the movement can arise. That is, if we were on a plane, and there was absolutely nothing else in the Universe than that plane, would it move? The answer is no, since it has no benchmark so it can be relative. In effect, the airplane has potential movement, which will become active when it arises / existed another element with which it can be compared its displacement, if it is presented.

And thus, the more reference points be, the more chance we will have to compare / differentiate the displacements that each has with respect to another, or others. Absolutely everyone has potential movement.

Next, I will present some images for the expression and graphic explanation of my Theoretical model:

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

Theoretical model: Relative existence of the material Universe. By Luis Montoya Birrueta. (April 2017).

I will begin my theoretical proposal by launching this first question; If Humanity ceased to exist, what would happen to the material Universe? Would it still exist? Or would there be no physical Universe?  
Surely most people will respond that the Universe would have existence in fact, although humanity would be extinguished. That it has an age of about 13.8 billion years, due to calculations made by measuring the remnant of the radiant energy left by the Big Bang; that has had a past, that we are in the present, and that the Universe will have a future. That according to the theories could have a Big Crunch, Big Bounce, Big Rip, etc.
That research results in the Earth having a story to tell, and that different forms of life have appeared, both animate and inanimate. That there were species that were present, but which have become extinct, as well as others that are millions of years old and still exist. That the presence of human beings is relatively recent in the world.

This coupled with the great amount of research, results, deductions, that has generated human rationing, that is, the processes of reason that has used the human being to try to explain their presence on Earth, physical beings and facts with Those that coexist, as well as the origin and destiny of Universe; In this case, the physical (material) Universe, since metaphysical facts are out from the general human rationing (which is generated by the five senses), qualifying them as nonexistent, abnormal, unreliable, and uncertain in nature.

On the other hand, what happens when a person dies? Is the universe over for her? Does it cease to exist? Is everything absolutely over for her?

To introduce my theoretical model, I mention that the source and origin of everything is energy; Which is present in very different and varied forms, and existences, due to the different vibrations and undulations that it is having at any moment.
There are spectra that have been able to be measured technologically, while there are others in which technology has not yet arrived to be able to measure them (scientifically speaking).

Studies and analyzes of the cosmos, macrocosms, atoms, and sub-atomic particles have revealed that there is energy present in all of this, although they have not been sure of what is beyond sub-atomic particles.
They have mentioned the Higgs boson, or neutrinos as particles that are in the background of atoms.
In my Theory of the Absolute, (March 2017), I give my theoretical proposal on what is beyond the sub-atomic.

We could say then that the Universe is a great field of energy; I would say that field extends to infinity in the multi-universes, to what I call the Absolute Universe.

And all that absolute and infinite energy is expressed through an enormous variety of frequencies, undulations, vibrations, which result in an infinity of forms and existences.

In one of these existences, we find ourselves having experiences as human beings, that is, we are being human. And this existence of ours involves a way of processing external facts, as well as our own existence. This happens through mental processes, reasoning, reason, as I mentioned previously.

But these processes of analysis, perception, and results not only have that function, but they are also generating energy fields that have an effect on quantum fields, which are interconnected to that infinite field of energy.
Let's say we are processing information, but we are also emitting energy vibrations that have a creative function, whether we do it consciously or unconsciously.

And it works like this. Let us make a simile of creative processes: We have a computer of last generation to elaborate graphics and animations in 3D. The more powerful your process and performance, the better results will give us, and we will have very elaborate and real graphics. On the other hand, we have our mind (internal processes in our brain), which is evaluating, understanding, and processing the information that comes to us through our senses; But at the same time is creating incredibly powerful graphics and animations, so much, that in this way it will be the reality that we perceive / create. Which means that the mind is making such a powerful creation that it takes us to be and live in a shockingly real Universe (and World).
This is part of the quantum mechanics of this physical universe in which we live.

Let's go back to the energy field. What is it that makes that infinite energy group, exist, and be in different forms? We will find the answer by crossing the borders of the physical. That is, the world of the physical has not been able to explain and demonstrate the reason for our existence, as well as the reason for the Universe.
There´s something that is behind everything, and it is what makes the atoms group of certain forms so that the matter that we know be created. Here lies the answer to the questions, how does an atom know that it requires grouping together to form molecules, and consequently matter? How does a Heart cell know that it needs to be there and not in the Liver, for example? And if we are made of stellar debris, why we are not stars and instead are we being human?
The answers are in the realm of the metaphysical; And my understanding, and answers were proposed in a book I wrote that is called "Q-La Vida."

As for the perception, explanation and creation of our presence and existence, we have that the human mind is responsible for such perception. Likewise, we have seen that there is the potential capacity for that mind to be creating in its turn, being creator-perceiver of the Universe it conceives.
The question is, if there was no one who saw the Universe, would this exist? The answer is that if there were no mind that was watching-creating the Universe, it would cease to exist.

This fact is increasingly accepted, as there are scientific studies that recognize the determinant impact that the observer has on physical events.
Quantum physics accepts that the observer alters or modifies the behavior of the particles on which it acts. Although they continue analyzing and trying to conclude on the "natural" behavior that could have the sub-atomic particles.

In conclusion, whenever there is a mind that is saying that something exists, then it will exist. And that mind could be human or not.
Perception-creation becomes more powerful when the creative-perceptive energies are added, forming a group, regional, zonal, or planetary mind.
Which means that if there were no mind saying that this Universe exists, then it would cease to exist. All the particles that make up and form this Universe, would dis-integrate, , and become available as raw material, so that they could be used and any other physical presence created; Other physical elements.

The Universe, as well as all subdivisions of absolute energy in itself, do not have the casual property of existing. Absolutely everything has a sense of being, and would cease to be or exist, in the moment that order is no longer dictated by the mind to be so.

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

Theoretical model: The Relativity of the Light. Luis Montoya Birrueta (March 2017).

Electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, whether in its behavior as waves or particles, moves in space at a constant speed of 300,000 km / s.
Such displacement can be altered according to the physical medium through which it passes, decreasing its velocity.         

Going back in time to the moment in which the light is created, which is that infinitely dense and hot point, from which the expansion of the Universe arises in itself, through the Big Bang, until that moment we could say the displacement of the Light begins; That the radiation moves; That is traveling.
The measurements and readings of this movement, result in the light-years that this radiation have been traveling and determine a "time" from which began that displacement, which would be the age of the observable Universe.

In my theoretical model, I propose that electromagnetic radiation (light as well) has properties related to movement. That is, all the elements of this observable physical Universe are in motion. Absolutely everything is moving, traveling, and all those movements can be determined as they are being compared and being relative to / with other physical elements in turn, whatever they are. In this way, measures, distances, weights, and more physical characteristics arise and that can only be determined when compared with other elements. * See Theory of the Relative (LMB 2016).
Consequently, the Light keeps physical characteristics of movement and can only be determined its displacement, when compared and relative to other physical elements. This means that the Light moves because there are more elements with which its displacement can be compared. For example, if we removed absolutely all the physical elements of the Universe, such as stars, comets, clouds and cosmic dust, quasars, pulsars, galaxies, etc., there would only be what I call Nothing Infinite, Space, and there would be nothing to be move.
If only we put a star in all that Infinite Nothing, neither would its radiation move nor travel, since there is nothing with which it can be compared and relative the displacement of that radiation.
If we put two stars, then the movement would arise, and consequently the displacement of light.
Imagine we are on the surface of one of those two stars, then we would see only one more star in all that Infinite Nothing. We would get its radiation and we could say that  is traveling. Otherwise, if there were one person in the other star, he would be seeing and receiving the radiation (light) emitted by the star in which we find ourselves. So they both move and travel their respective radiations.
If we removed the other star, we will only be left alone in that infinite space, Nothing infinite, without being able to move, (as there is nothing relative to anything) and with no radiation emitted by our star, (as there is not another element with which can be compared or be relative to).

Another example. Imagine that there is only one star in the Infinite Nothing, (space). This has its thermonuclear reactions, which incidentally, there would be no temperature as it can not be compared to anything. If we climbed a photon of that star's radiation, would we move? Would we travel? The answer is no.
We would not travel or move, for there would be absolutely nothing to indicate that we are moving; There would be nothing that would generate the illusion of the movement; There would be nothing to compare our displacement. So we would be above a photon, static and motionless.

When would our journey begin? As soon as another star or physical element appeared in the Infinite Nothing. Then we would have another object with which to make physical and movement comparisons. We would see that we are traveling at 300,000 km/s and that we are approaching the other star that is there.
The movement of the photon stops as soon as it strikes another surface, or as soon as all the elements with which its journey is compared disappear.

With the Big Bang, has been created an enormous amount of physical elements that allow comparisons, as well as properties to be relative to each other, either at the sub-atomic scale, or macrocosmic. Then the illusions of movement arise, among other physical characteristics that can only be determined when one physical object is compared with another    
If there were no other point of observation from which to see the different movements that have the elements of the cosmos, then everything would be static. To perceive the movement, it is necessary that there are points of observation.
The perception of the displacement of light comes from the fact that the observer is in another place and sees that the radiation moves towards him, or towards other elements present in the cosmos. If there were no observer, or the other elements, the light (radiation) would be static.        
When the expansion of the Universe took place, the prior moments to that expansion, of that tremendously condensed point of energy, being in the Infinite Nothing, without movement, since there were no points of reference. If it "moved," it would stay in the same place again. In turn, it was in No-time.

Once that energy expands (with the Big Bang), at that moment a great number of points of reference and relativity are generated, tending the potential possibility of creating time, as well as movement; That time is nothing but the measure of movement. If there is no movement, there is no time; If there is no measure of movement, there is no time, there is only movement.

If there is no movement, there would be only one immensely condensed energy point, which has always been there, since there was no time.
If the Big Bang had been only a photon, it would be motionless. In that case, the only thing that would happen is that the hyperdense energy, reduced its frequency of vibration and ripple, to form a photon, which does not move. If 2 photons had been generated in the expansion, then the motion-time (potential) would begin.

In conclusion, the light would move as long as there were other elements with which it could be relative and compared its displacement.

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

Theory of Time, Non-time (IV – ends) (By Luis Montoya Birrueta) January, 2017.

Luis Montoya Birrueta

On the one hand, non-time is the total absence of movement. It is to be only in Infinite Nothing (space). It would be that point of infinitely dense Energy / Light suspended in that Nothingness.
Likewise, Non-Time is to be in the Whole. It is being in the movement itself. It is to be the movement itself. It is to be in the whole Relative Universe at the same moment of the here and now. It is to break the mental programming of the linearity of movement (time). It is to be in the here and in the now to every moment, that is where everything absolutely happens. Everything is happening right now, but your mind is get used to thinking and experiencing in linear sequences of time, which are past, present, and future. When you succeed in breaking that programmed linearity, you will fully understand it.

So Time and Non-Time have the potential possibility to exist, but they require a mind, a thought in which that illusion can be established.
An example of the linearity of time as an illusion created in our minds, we can see it through the appreciation of a movie film Roll (before the digital age, those containing frames).
Let´s imagine that the existence of a complete life is contained in this scroll. There will be the birth, development, growth, maturation and the end of that cycle through death.
If we see that Roll from outside, we will be seeing a complete life in a single glance.
But for this life to be experienced, so that it can be appreciated, lived, we decide to fragment the facts that form it: that is, we decide to divide and subdivide events by creating an illusion of linear time that we call "past-present -future".
If we saw the beginning of that movie-life, we will create the illusion that it is a past. If we saw our present presence in that Roll, we will say that it is the present; and what is to come in the frames of that Roll, will be the future.
In this way, our requirement to move forward with the evolutionary process on this vibrational frequency in which we are, creates the illusion of time through the mind.
If we saw all the lives (Rolls of films) from an angle so that we fully appreciate them (the whole Roll), we would see that all happen in a cosmic macro instant. By dividing them, by dividing the scrolls into fragments or frames, we will appreciate and experience our lives from a temporal-linear point through an illusion created constantly in our minds.
Another example to the understanding of Time from the programmed temporal linearity in our minds, can be seen in numerical sequences such as:
5,4,3,2,1 ... end (“time ends”). In this illusion, reducing the sequence of numbers, will give the feeling that time is running out; which reaches its end. And we can use it in many fields of our daily and professional lives.

On the other hand we have:
Start, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ... infinite. (“Time begins” until we want to end it, but it could continue its course to infinity.) Here, we have a starting point, which gives the feeling that something is beginning, either life, days, nights, our daily actions, our work, etc., even the beginning of the Universe with the Big Bang.
Both cases are included in the numerical measurement of the movement that we are having in the Universe, that is to say, it is the movement of the material and physical objects in / within the Infinite Nothingness.
If we remove absolutely all the elements that are contained in the Infinite Nothing, (in the quantum field, where is this material Universe we know) we will find that there is nothing that can be related to anything, there will be nothing relative to anything, There will be no time or nothing. We will only be facing an energy field where everything is potentially possible, including time of course.
Time is only an illusion so that you can have this human experience. It doesn´t matter if it starts or ends, these are questions of the mind. What really matters is that you transcend mental programming so that you live fully in the eternal moment of the now.

Thanks for being there.
“Q-La Vida”
Luis Montoya Birrueta.