miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

Theory of Time, Non-time (IV – ends) (By Luis Montoya Birrueta) January, 2017.

Luis Montoya Birrueta

On the one hand, non-time is the total absence of movement. It is to be only in Infinite Nothing (space). It would be that point of infinitely dense Energy / Light suspended in that Nothingness.
Likewise, Non-Time is to be in the Whole. It is being in the movement itself. It is to be the movement itself. It is to be in the whole Relative Universe at the same moment of the here and now. It is to break the mental programming of the linearity of movement (time). It is to be in the here and in the now to every moment, that is where everything absolutely happens. Everything is happening right now, but your mind is get used to thinking and experiencing in linear sequences of time, which are past, present, and future. When you succeed in breaking that programmed linearity, you will fully understand it.

So Time and Non-Time have the potential possibility to exist, but they require a mind, a thought in which that illusion can be established.
An example of the linearity of time as an illusion created in our minds, we can see it through the appreciation of a movie film Roll (before the digital age, those containing frames).
Let´s imagine that the existence of a complete life is contained in this scroll. There will be the birth, development, growth, maturation and the end of that cycle through death.
If we see that Roll from outside, we will be seeing a complete life in a single glance.
But for this life to be experienced, so that it can be appreciated, lived, we decide to fragment the facts that form it: that is, we decide to divide and subdivide events by creating an illusion of linear time that we call "past-present -future".
If we saw the beginning of that movie-life, we will create the illusion that it is a past. If we saw our present presence in that Roll, we will say that it is the present; and what is to come in the frames of that Roll, will be the future.
In this way, our requirement to move forward with the evolutionary process on this vibrational frequency in which we are, creates the illusion of time through the mind.
If we saw all the lives (Rolls of films) from an angle so that we fully appreciate them (the whole Roll), we would see that all happen in a cosmic macro instant. By dividing them, by dividing the scrolls into fragments or frames, we will appreciate and experience our lives from a temporal-linear point through an illusion created constantly in our minds.
Another example to the understanding of Time from the programmed temporal linearity in our minds, can be seen in numerical sequences such as:
5,4,3,2,1 ... end (“time ends”). In this illusion, reducing the sequence of numbers, will give the feeling that time is running out; which reaches its end. And we can use it in many fields of our daily and professional lives.

On the other hand we have:
Start, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ... infinite. (“Time begins” until we want to end it, but it could continue its course to infinity.) Here, we have a starting point, which gives the feeling that something is beginning, either life, days, nights, our daily actions, our work, etc., even the beginning of the Universe with the Big Bang.
Both cases are included in the numerical measurement of the movement that we are having in the Universe, that is to say, it is the movement of the material and physical objects in / within the Infinite Nothingness.
If we remove absolutely all the elements that are contained in the Infinite Nothing, (in the quantum field, where is this material Universe we know) we will find that there is nothing that can be related to anything, there will be nothing relative to anything, There will be no time or nothing. We will only be facing an energy field where everything is potentially possible, including time of course.
Time is only an illusion so that you can have this human experience. It doesn´t matter if it starts or ends, these are questions of the mind. What really matters is that you transcend mental programming so that you live fully in the eternal moment of the now.

Thanks for being there.
“Q-La Vida”
Luis Montoya Birrueta.