lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

Theory of the Relative, but not of the Relativity. "Universe of the relative" (By Luis Montoya Birrueta. October 2016)

          I am not a physicist, astrophysicist, cosmologist, or scientist. I am just a human being who likes to think and be carried away by the magic of a creative mind.
After several years of breaking my mental limitations, coming from a programming that did not allow me to see beyond what my eyes could see, I understood concepts about the origins of the Universe, what it was created for, who created it, the finite Universe , Time, Non-time, among other theories, ideas and proposals that I intend to share with you.
On this occasion, I propose an idea about the "necessity" to be created a material Universe with contrasts, with polarities. I called it Theory of Relativity, but not Relativity. "Universe of the relative".

Look, there is an ultra high frequency vibrating Energy, which I refer to as "Absolute Thought". (See its theory). This Energy is subdivided in itself to be experienced. And in a part of this Absolute, we are here being-human, living on a material planet perceiving an infinity of the cosmos, although in reality it is not infinite. This material universe in which we live, is finite. What is infinite is the space where it is, which I have called Nothing Infinite. I'll talk about this some other time.

The itself subdivision of the Absolute Thought to be able to have multiple and infinite experiences, potentially possible, uses 7 levels / scenarios with infinite possibilities of creation, resulting in a seventh level, which is lower in vibrational frequency, which is the Physical universe we know.

Likewise, the characteristics of this are perceived / created with infinite variations to be able to have infinite potential possibilities of creation / experiences.
Hence everything existing-created-perceived does not maintain any equality. Absolutely everything is different. Absolutely everything is in constant motion. Absolutely everything is in constant formation and conformation. Absolutely everything is happening at the same instant, which at the same time begins and ends at the same moment (paradox). * See Theory of Time, Non-Time.
Absolutely everything is in constant creation through the individual or collective thought, which observes / creates / experiences.
This physical universe we know, which I call the Universe of Relativity, is suspended in the Infinite Nothingness, expanding in itself in the absolute of the infinite.
Hence we are always discovering new elements that make up and are this physical universe that we know / create; So the more we investigate the more we discover, or what is equal the more we investigate the more we observe, the more we think, and the more we create. The more we investigate the more we believe, but we do not find out.
Is there any limit to that? Someday we will have discovered everything? Definitely not, since we have infinite possibilities of creation / experimentation, which has no end. That is why the further we can see of this physical universe, the more we discover / create.
The more we study with physics, chemistry, biology, and a long etc. The more we discover, since we are actually in constant creation.
There is no end to all this. There will always be more, there are always more. Everything is in the infinite capacity / freedom of creation / experimentation of the Absolute Thought of / in itself.
So, in this scenario of experimentation / creation called Universe, the Relative of the Universe arises; What I call Relative Universe, where an option arises to create it as we want it through that absolute freedom of experimentation.
The universe is not there by chance. Chance is a delivery and limitation of the infinite potential power of creation.

The known / created physical universe is the scenario we have created for our experience in this level / field of the vibrational frequencies that materialize it.
In this creation, relativity emerges / is created in terms of the physical aspects and characteristics of all the elements that contain it and at the same time make it up.
We are not in the Universe of the Relative, we conform, form and create it, and we do it in this infinite field called Nothing Infinite, but that in turn this is part of this Universe. Absolutely Everything is Everything. We are not in the Universe, we are the Universe.
Once we have / created the stage, we do it with an infinite variety of forms and compositions, as I mentioned previously. This gives us the possibility of infinitely varied perception / creation, so that we can differentiate and experience that variety of forms, and we can have / create the possibility of perceiving some element as large or small, hard-fragile, near-far, Dark-clear, liquid-solid, macro-micro, fast-slow, etc.
How do we know that something is big or small? How do we know that something is going fast or slow? And the answer will always be the constant that it gives by relating it to something else; That is relative to another element; The one that can be compared to something else. Otherwise, everything would be the same. There would be no difference in anything.

Absolutely everything in this physical universe of the relative that we know / create, is composed of the same elements.
Molecularly we have the same elements as a star, the only difference is the grouping of these elements, resulting in that infinite variety of forms and nuances that we perceive / create.
That is why we can say that the biggest known sun / star so far, the VY Canis Majoris, is the largest as such since it is compared / related to other stars. Even our sun or rather, the sun that is part of our system of planets and that our system of planets is part of the sun.
That is why we can also say that the brightest star discovered / created so far is the blue giant LBV 1806-20.
I am completely sure that at some point it will be revealed that scientists have "discovered" a larger star than VY Canis Majoris, or brighter than LBV1806-20, since they would not be discovered, they would be being created. I know it might sound crazy, but it´s agout of our potention to create, even creat Nature.
Then comes the option to perceive that someone is higher or lower. If we all had a height of 1.50 m; Who would be the tallest, or the smallest? We would not have that option, we would all be equal without being able to say that she is higher or lower.
All these infinite possibilities of relativity, propitiate the option to obtain very different and varied experiences; Which is the same as Absolute Thought is being experienced in / with those relative elements of this physical universe that we know / create.
We can conclude, that this Physical Universe that we are perceiving / creating / experiencing is relative in itself to present the scenario in which we will be manifesting our Being-Human; Our experience of life through human form and feeling.

Thanks for being there.
Luis Montoya Birrueta

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