lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Theory of Time, Non-time (I) (By Luis Montoya Birrueta) October, 2016

What is time? Is time a universal constant? Has the time always been? Do we move in time? Since when? Does time arise at a particular time? What indicates that there is time; that time existis?
But let's go a little further. Is There Non-Time? Absence of time?

It has been said that we move in time, as well as theories that suggest the possibility of moving through it. But are we moving in time, or is time a movement?
Look, time is an illusion that constantly generates the mind in its perception and linear programming of it, which is past-present-future. This means, time is a mental concept. Time as such does not exist. Time is a constant mental creation.
To understand these concepts, let´s go to beginnings of time. Let´s go to the moment in which this illusion arises.
When we are born, the people who register this fact, doctors, health workers, social workers, among others, assign a date and time to that birth (which means, to "a moment in time"). This means that numbers are assigned that represent an instant in which that person is born. This is called having a date of birth.
These numbers, were created by the same human conscience, to measure a movement that is, the earth's relation to the Sun by means of its rotation and translation (days, weeks, months, years, seconds, minutes, hours).
Then, that person already has a date of birth, which is a point in time since such person appears on Earth. From that moment on, he/she will add years to his/her life, which are again numbers assigned to the movement that has the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the Universe constantly, but in human perception/programming, “time would be passing in that person”.

All these concepts of date of birth and death, make us believe that correspond to the "time" of life that had that person on this Earth. That person moved and lived in that "time".
Remember that all those numbers, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, are numbers created by humanity to assign them to Earth movement, with the intention that the human species is organized to coexist in different societies that have been creating until today, which is the same, until now. In this way, have been defined the different facts that the Earth has in its natural essence.
Other questions arise here; if the motion of the Earth, Sun, Galaxy, Universe, shall stop… would Time stop? If we could reverse the movement of the Earth, would we go back in time? Is time a constant? Where is it? Is it saved somewhere?
We can say that Time had an origin and will have an end. The origin of Time is the origin of the movement.

We have already seen that the movement of the Earth, Sun, Galaxy, Clusters of Galaxies, we assign created numbers that measure such a movement, resulting in the illusion of the elapse of time.
Let's look at these concepts. The Big Bang theory proposes that this Universe we know, had a point of origin, in which it "appeared”. It also proposes a "time back" to such an origin, that is, when it appeared.
The expansion theory of the Universe in itself, expresses movement of the Universe in itself. I am talking about the Material Universe that we perceive, which is in/about something that I call Infinite Nothingness (Nothing Infinite).
This movement begins in the Big Bang. From there, the whole Universe that we know, moves and "travels" in the Infinite Nothingness mentioned.
We have considered that the Universe is the result of the sum of all galaxies and elements together plus infinite space. For that Universe, which I have called the Relative Universe, has been the result of a creation, using as stage the infinite space, what I call Nothing Infinite. (You can consult the writing about that Infinite Nothingness).
Relative Universe = Absolute Thought in frequency reduction, within/in/on Infinite Nothingness.
(Here, the Relative Universe is separated from that space which is the Infinite Nothing, and I say “separate” in quotation marks, since nothing can be separated from anything, because everything is everything, and that absolute everything is interconnected in itself, regardless of the Magnitude, either at Macro or Micro levels).

We have mentioned the reduction of the highest and most refined frequency of the Absolute Thought, until it came to condense into that infinitely dense point of Light/Energy, suspended in the Infinite Nothingness, unable to move since it was again in the same place. There was nothing to refer to, to be relative to, that is why it is in the same place, in the very place of that Infinite Nothingness. (See Theory of the Origin of Everything).
Once that point expands in itself, "The Big Bang Theory" arises the movement of itself in that Infinite Nothingness. Here arises the potential possibility of having time, which is the same, the potential capacity to assign numbers to that movement to give us the illusion that we are moving in time.

Let's see, if we removed all the numbers assigned to the Earth's motion, Sun, Galaxy, Galaxy clusters, what would we have? Would there still be time? Or just movement? If we removed all those numbers, we would only have movement with the potential capacity to create time by assigning a measure to that movement, that is, by assigning measure by numbers, we will be generating the illusion of time, “we will be creating time”.
Time is not but an illusion that we generate with the mind; outside of this, everything is happening at this very moment, here and now; absolutely everything.

To be continue…

Thanks for being there.
“Q-La Vida”

Luis Montoya Birrueta.

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